Thursday, May 07, 2009


So sorry for being absent. I've been super busy and then as Murphy's law would have it starting having migraines again. They are usually very well controlled with a daily medication and injections for when I have the onset of one, but nothing was helping this past week. It doesn't help that its been raining for about a week now. Hopefully that's over with (the migraine part at least), and I'm pushing forward.
Some news: My new website is up and running! It is still at but, in my opinion, looks a lot better! I'm still doing some tweaking, and working on getting the galleries where I want them but overall I'm pretty happy with it. I actually did it myself using a flash template. If you'd like a link to the service I used please shoot me an e-mail.
I will have a table at the AWA Paws and Feet Walk on May 16th at Cooper River Park. Come out and walk for the animals and come see me! I will be doing a drawing for a free photo session and some free prints so be sure to toss your name in!
I am now on Twitter! Lets be buddies and "tweet" about our day to day activities. As before I am still on Myspace.
Llana is doing very well. We are learning all of the rewards, trials, and tribulations that go along with owning an immune deficient cat. She is still improving, and it is like night and day from when I first brought her home. No more coughing, and only sneezing. She likes to aim it right at my pillows or walls so there has been a lot of laundry to do.
I had my own little breakdown this morning. It has been tough having the four of us basically living in that little room (by four I mean Carl, Bear, Llana and myself. And for those of you that are just joining Llana is a cat, not a third person. It gets cramped, and I am constantly battling the smells of the litter box and cat food. Our whole schedule recently changed, as in an effort to get Bear to start eating more regularly we started mixing wet food in with his dry.
I own a weird dog. Bear does not care about eating. There have been many times where I've said "You know Bear there are dogs in Africa who don't have anything to eat." It didn't get through to him though. He does not eat unless someone is with him, and has on occasion gone over a day without touching his food because someone wasn't near the food bowl long enough. In an effort to get him to eat we had dog food bowls on both levels of the house. He also went on a hunger strike the last time we tried to change his food. This lead to the ringworm epidemic in the house, because his immune system wasn't on the same level as usual when I brought home Satan Kitty aka Sophie who was the original Typhoid Mary.
Anyway to make this long story even longer, I woke up to start my morning feeding, which includes mixing Lysine into the grosses smelling cat food EVER, mixing dog food into kibble, microwaving all of it which makes the aroma even better, and wrestling with Llana to give her her Clavamox and Interferon. She thanked me by sneezing in my face. I used to stay in bed for another hour and half after Carl left in the morning before this all started and decided to drag my butt back into bed to try to catch another hour. No dice, because ALL of these animals eat in our bedroom all I heard was chewing, and all I smelled was animal food. I was exhausted from being sick yesterday and decided to have my own little fit, but just as the first tear rolled (I know, uncharacteristically dramatic for me) Bear jumped in bed to spoon with me and Llana curled up on the other side to purr. My lovable lab turned to look into my eyes and breathed a deep sigh right in my face. It was like he was saying "Stop whining buddy, your animals are (for the most part) healthy and happy and so are you." Everything was wonderful and completely worth it.
To make this complete, here is a picture of my very happy Bear Bear standing in his pool. This was before the rain started. Last week.


  1. Your website looks great! Bear is adorable. Thanks for commenting on my blog!

  2. Bear's not so weird. I've dog-sat for two super picky eaters before. Josie wouldn't eat for days, or she would just take a bite or two. I have plans to answer your e-mail soon. I've been so busy this week!
