Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hi my name is Bear.

And I'm a cat food addict.


  1. OH. Bear and my Ellie are going to have to start a Cat Food Anonymous group.

    For Ellie it's a two-fold attraction. One - it's oily and stinky, thus a yummy snack. Two - it's belongs to the kitty. So getting something that belongs to the kitty is like winning a game. :) So funny!

  2. I'm so glad to hear he's not the only one!! This new addiction has two downsides: Our catfood is WAY too expensive for him to be chowing down on it, and it gives him the worst gas ever.


    I think his reasons are the same though. He's not adjusting well to the fact that this kitty is sticking around, and worse is taking over his room.

  3. Sign Shannon and Maggie up for the group as well!
