Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Llana update

Well, Llana seems to be steadily improving. Knock on wood, she didn't cough at all yesterday. There was some coughing last night, but maybe it's just like humans; it settles in your chest at night and makes it harder. She seems to be sneezing alot (really chunky ones that she likes to aim right at my walls and entertainment center; aren't you glad I shared?) but I think that it's a sign she's getting all of that gunk out of her. She's brighter and more active, and seems happy. She seems to be a very lazy girl, and has no interest in toys, but maybe that will change once she's feeling 100 percent.

One of her other favorite activities besides laying on the bed is laying on the windowsill (are you seeing a trend here?). I think I'm going to have to invest on one of those windowsill perches so she isn't hanging off. I also would looove to get one of these to hang on my closet door. How cool is this? We've also invested in some claw covers (great humane alternative to declawing, http://www.softpaws.com/) because she's smacked Bear around a few times, and I'm terrified she'll catch him in the eye. Looks like she has tips doesn't it? She has clear on right now, because that's all they had for the store brand, but I'm going to get her red for next time. I put them on my mom in law's cat Sophie (Satan Kitty, take that Rena!) and man was that an experience. She howled and tried to take a chunk out of me the whole time like I was killing her. She's forgotten they're there already, and the furniture is much safer. Llana just sat there and looked at me.
She's a BIG kneader. She loves to lay on our chests and knead right below our neck. The only problem is she doesn't tend to know it's bed time. I woke up at about 3:00am the other night to her kneading the back of my head.

I've run across a few sites that suggest high protein diets are helpful to FIV+ cats and have put her on a high protein food from Blue Buffalo (awesome holistic food) called the Wilderness formula. She eats it like a champ and I think I'm seeing an improvement since we switched. The wet food stiiiiinks though, but it is literally straight up seafood in a can so no wonder. Gag. I looked into a raw diet for all of 10 minutes before I realized my vegetarian self was never going to make it through that process.

Here's a picture of her in her favorite spot. Not a bad improvement from last week.


  1. She looks a lot like my cat Annalise! Glad she is feeling better and I'm so sorry to hear about the kittens. I saw their story below and it made me so sad. I have a wondow perch and my ctas LOVE it! You should definitely get one. :)

  2. Thanks Rachel. We're feeling a little better every day. I think she got over it faster than I did actually.

    I'm glad to hear that! I keep wrestling with the idea of buying it. I wasn't sure if cats would actually get ON that, lol, but if yours does she probably will too.

    I'll have to search your blog for osme Annalise pictures!

  3. I'm so glad she's doing better :) She's a true champion!
