Tuesday, April 21, 2009


We took Bear swimming for the first time this year. To say the least he was thrilled. There is a beautiful park about 20 minutes from us called Freedom Park (in Medford for any of you Jersey people looking for a sweet DP). It has huge open fields for the dogs to run in and a creek that you can walk along and the dogs can swim in. Bear takes advantage of the creek more than anything else. What usually happens is as soon as we let him off leash at the entrance he takes off running to the path through the woods. We'll get halfway across the field when we hear a huge splash. He then will come running back out, soaking wet, so he can show us how proud he is of himself. We don't typically know anyone at this park because we aren't there often, but did see one Dog Mommy who had six (I'm pretty sure it was six) dogs, two of which were three legged. One of her super cuties is pictured above. Carl smirked at me and said "yeah, that's us in five years." At least he knows there's nothing he can do about it right?
Now I was sitting on a ledge that overlooks the creek for the first 20 or so minutes. Then I got this really bright idea that I needed to go down to the creek bank so I could get a better view. I was kind of out of it (at least that's my excuse) and decided that instead of getting up and walking down the really easy incline about 15 feet away, I was going to climb down the steep incline in front of me. Now, the *wet* dogs run up and down this constantly so it's really muddy + I'm in flip flops. I think you know where this is going.
This is how Carl retells this story: All I heard was EEEP and turned to see you sliding down in the mud right towards the water. Your right arm was stretched to the max above your head so your camera wasn't in the line of fire. (this story is usually followed by alot of laughter, and has been told multiple times to embarrass me.)

Do you think the jerk came over to help me? No, he couldn't stop laughing long enough. I just stood in the creek for the rest of the time we were there. I figured I was wet anyway.
The picture below, of the border collie in almost parallel position, is the incline I slid down. Cute, huh? Let me tell you what, I didn't care what happened, my camera was NOT hitting that mud/water.

Well I'm off to bed. Actually to lay in bed, because it is entirely too hot in our room for any normal human being to sleep. Ugh. Look for an update on Llana tomorrow. No worries, it's good news.


  1. That 3 legged dog looks so sweet! I love him. And I'm jealous that you get to take swimming shots... my prissy girls won't go near the water ;)

  2. Isn't she adorable? I keep telling Carl the first three legged animal (I'm sure we'll adopt one eventually, lol) we get I'm naming Tripod.

    Trust me, the water affinity isn't always a blessing. Like when your walking near a pond and he jumps in and takes you with him. I learned really fast not to wrap the leash around my hand anymore :D
